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Aannelli Carmolo (1922 gen. 06)


First name and Surname: Aannelli Carmolo
Italian ancestry: Yes
Date birth or age died: 1922/01/06
Country: Australia
Place of birth: Italy
Place of birth (Italy): Calobre
Province of birth (Italy):
Region of birth (Italy):
Date death or imprisonment:
Date death or latest report:
Place of death:


Service: Australian Army
Unit: 9 Aust Fd Regt A I F
Id: NX111020 (N229066)
Rank: Gunner
Place enlistment: Sydney NSW
Date enlistment or departure: 1942/07/22
Component of army:
Place of imprisonment:
Imprisioned by:
Cemetery or memorial:
Date discharge or repatriation: 1946/07/03
Kinship: G. Aannell
Residence: Kingsford NSW
Civilian occupation:
Marital status: